A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest, honestly, it's the honest ones you can't trust. -Jack Sparrow.
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. -Mark Twain.
Any girl can look glamorous. All you have to do is stand there and look stupid. -Hedy Lamarr.
Come again when you can't stay so long. -Walter Sickert.
Is boredom anything less then the sense of one's faculties slowly dying? -Arthur Helps.
The reason doctors are so dangerous is that they believe in what they are doing. - Robert S. Mendelshon.
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 different ways it won't work. Thomas Edison.
Fear is pain arriving from the anticipation of evil. -Aristotle.
Welcome death, quoth the rat, when the trap fell. -Thomas Fuller.
Writing a novel is actually searching for victims. As I write I keep looking for casualties. The stories uncover the casualties. -John Irving. (Does he know me?)
Are you really sure that a floor can't also be a ceiling? -M.C. Escher.
Everything you can imagine is real. -Pablo Picasso.
Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle. -Lewis Carroll.
Why is a raven like a writing desk? -Johnny Depp; Lewis Carroll.
Off with his head! -The Red Queen; Lewis Carroll.
What happens to your soul when you get unwound?; Who says I even got one? -Neal Shusterman.
There are no stupid questions; just stupid people.
People who say it can't be done should not be trying to prevent those of us who are doing it.
Car Service: If it ain't broke, we'll break it.
One of the great things about books it sometimes there are some fantastic pictures. -George W. Bush.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all of it's pupils. -Louis Hector Burlioz.
Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. (Heaven Scmeaven when if I stay on Earth I could make even more enemies.)
Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. -Lily Tomlin.
Always remember you're unique, just like everybody else.
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways. (I'm still working on that one.)
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't do. (My philosophy.)
Worst excuse for turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from. (I tried that once.)
When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action. They rented out my room.
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is never try. -Homer Simpson.
Whatever it is-I didn't do it! (Why do I have to use this one so much?)
Hard work never killed anybody; but why take a chance?
No please, don't eat me. I have a wife and kids, eat them. -Homer Simpson.
I hope I didn't brain my damage...-Homer Simpson.
You will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow. -Jack Sparrow.
Elizabeth, it would have never worked out between us darling...I'm sorry. Will, nice hat. -Jack Sparrow.
My peanut! -Jack Sparrow.
Why should I sail with you? Four of you tried to kill me in the past. One of you succeeded. -Jack Sparrow.
He needs the pearl, Captain Turner needs the pearl. And you felt guilty, and you and your Brethren court...Did no one come to save me just because they missed me? -Jack Sparrow.
Would you mind pointing that thing another way? -Jack Sparrow.
You know that feeling you get when you're standing in a high place and have the sudden urge to jump...I don't have it. -Jack Sparrow.
He is a big fat guinea pig brain! -Theodore Roosevelt.
I dare you to tell me to walk through fire. -Shinedown.
Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. (PEANUT BUTTER ROCKS)
Alektorophobia: Fear of chickens. (Chickens?)
Anatidaephobia: the fear that somehow, somewhere, a duck is watching you. (Hahahahahahahahahahahaha:) I love this one!)
Bibliophobia: Fear of books. (How can someone be afraid of BOOKS!!!!!!!!!)
Cathisophobia: Fear of sitting. (You must be tired)
Dextrophobia: Fear of objects at the right side of the body (Wha?!?!)
Dipsophobia: Fear of drinking. (Dehydration, here you come)
Euphobia: Fear of hearing good news.
Geliophobia: Fear of laughter.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of long words. (Ironic)
Mnemophobia: Fear of memories (Hey, remember- Whoops!)
Pantophobia: Fear of everything.
You Know You're a Book Addict If:
You can randomly open to a page and know exactly what's going on. (absolutely!)
Read the book until 4 A.M., then get back up at 7 to continue reading. (I wish i could)
You write fanfictions about the book. (Yup.)
You quote random lines all the time.(No, but I do spout facts I learn from books)
You try to do things that the characters do, even though you know you can't. (no)
You've got a book memorized. (Kinda.)
You've read a book more than five times. (YES! Try five-MILLION times! I love books)
You've read a book with 400+ pages in less than two days. (I can read the seventh Harry Potter in two days. Except for the first time I read it, because my dad got it when he came home from work.)
You've planned and prepared a siege on a writer's house because he/she killed a character you like. (no. I'm not a murderer. The worst I'll do is cry. Hard.)
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